Heartland Evangelizing Association (HEA)

Since 1993, HEA has been planting new churches in Southern Illinois that are God-honoring, Christ-centered and Bible-based while resourcing churches in the need of renewal. HEA’s most recent plant is Restore Christian Church in Highland, IL.
Kids For Christ Community Bible Study
Organized in 1994 as an in home, youth Bible study by two mothers from Freeburg, Illinois. Now, a non-denominational, Bible-based, after-school ministry focused on bringing the gospel to children grades K-8 th in the Metro East. Kids for Christ strives to equip and encourage youth to make a difference for Christ.

Lincoln Christian University (LCU)

Founded in 1944, LCU is a Christian higher education community whose mission is to nurture and equip Christians with a Biblical worldview to serve and lead in the church and the world. The principal means they use to accomplish this mission are teaching, learning, leading, and serving through undergraduate and graduate programs.
National And International
International Disaster Emergency Services (IDES)
Exists to meet the physical and spiritual needs of suffering people throughout the world in the
name of Jesus Christ. IDES serves in five main Focus Areas around the world: Disaster
Response, Hunger Relief, Development & Sustainability, Medical Care, and Evangelism.
name of Jesus Christ. IDES serves in five main Focus Areas around the world: Disaster
Response, Hunger Relief, Development & Sustainability, Medical Care, and Evangelism.

Dale Meade (Colombian Christian Mission)
For over 40 years, Dale has worked in the country of Colombia planting New Testament churches and training Christian leaders. Other ministries include translating and writing didactic materials for Colombia and the rest of Latin America, teaching in a Bible Institute, a cassette ministry, teaching in a Christian Day School, and developing the Villa Peniel Christian Service Camp.

C.Y. & Patricia Kim Christ Reaching Asian Missions (CRAM)

They seek to evangelize and meet the physical needs of the people living in the communist countries of Asia. Many doors of opportunity have opened up in China and North Korea. Some of their many ministries include schools, medical clinics, a bakery, farms, and children’s home. They have recently expanded their ministry into the Philippines and Cambodia.
Ken Greenlee (Teach Us To Pray)
He conducts prayer seminars, builds prayer ministries, and acts as a prayer consultant around the world. He does evangelistic work in Fiji, where he has success in winning people of Hindu and Muslim faith to Christianity. He helps operate a women’s and youth center in the Namadi slums of Fiji.

Matt & Angie Weldy Pioneer Bible Translators (PBT)
The Weldy’s have served with PBT since 2008, including two years overseas to Vanuatu. PBT bridges the gap between the church and the Bibleless peoples around the world. PBT missionaries focus on translating the Bible into the language of the native people they serve and church planting. PBT currently serves 48 million people in 101 language projects in 24 countries.